Uraninite, Eldorado Mine, Faye-Ace shafts (Beaverlodge), Saskatchewan, Canada
15”x15” Circular Uranotype from uranium autoradiogram
Unique uranotype available.
This sample comes from the orebodies that constitute the Eldorado and Faye-Ace mines distributed along the St.Louis Fault, a north-east striking fault that dips East from 50-70 degrees. There are three distinct types of ore: a breccia ore found in the footwall of the fault consisting of brecciated hematitic feldspar rock whose interstices are filled with pitchblende, quartz, calcite and chlorite; A vein type found in the footwall wall between 100 and 300 feet from the fault.
This ore consists of pitchblende with minor calcite in branching sets of tension fractures in highly feldspathized argillites; and the "Verna type" found in the hanging wall of the fault which contains fracture fillings of pitchblende up to 3 inches wide.
Negative: Exposure: 48 hours / Film: Kodak T-MAX 400 / Processing: Pyro-Metol-Kodalk, Normal development
Interpositive: Ilford Cooltone FB 16x20, Ansco 130 paper developer
Internegative: created using Agfa Repromaster 20x24 camera with Arista Lith film and custom continuous tone hand tray-processing.
Print: Double coating with 24hr maturation, K₃Fe(CN)₆ processing. While this print was made as part of a limited edition series, it is unknown when it may be possible to print any more.