
Uraninite, “C” Group, Inter-River Region, Emery County, Utah, USA

15”x15” Circular Uranotype from uranium autoradiogram

Unique uranotype, SOLD OUT

 Ore deposits in the Chinle and Morrison formations in the Inter-River Region range from about 1 to 3 feet in thickness, and most of the ore is in deposits 1,000 to 25,000 tons in size (a cluster of closely spaced ore bodies joined by weakly mineralized ground is considered to be one deposit). No deposits larger than about 25,000 tons were known as of March 1956.

Carnotite-type secondary uranium minerals and high-valent vanadium minerals are the principal constituents of these deposits and contain minor amounts of copper and vanadium and oxidize to form a wide variety of yellow, orange, green, and blue carbonates, sulfates, phosphates, arsenates, silicates, and hydrated oxides. These deposits also contain uranium disseminated through the rock in the form of uraninite, which is the case with this sample, which contains rich, high grade uraninite in a sandstone matrix.



Negative: Exposure: 48 hours / Film: Kodak T-MAX 400 / Processing: Pyro-Metol-Kodalk, Normal development

Interpositive: Ilford Cooltone FB 16x20, Ansco 130 paper developer

Internegative: created using Agfa Repromaster 20x24 camera with Arista Lith film and custom continuous tone hand tray-processing.

Print: Double coating with 24hr maturation, K₃Fe(CN)₆ processing. While this print was made as part of a limited edition series, it is unknown when it may be possible to print any more.


Uraninite, Eldorado Mine, Fay-Ace Shafts (Beaverlodge), Saskatchewan, Canada


Uraninite, Maybe Mine, Red Canyon District, Utah, USA