Anonymous, Happy Jack Mine, White Canyon Area, Utah, USA
8”x20” palladium print from original in-camera negative
2/15 Limited Edition available.
This photograph was taken of the owner of the Happy Jack at one of the two entrances to the Mine, looking into the darkness. The rock around the entrance is covered in yellow uranium complexes leaching out of the rock and gamma radiation levels at this point measure roughly 10 µSv/hr, about 30 times background level. Inside the adit, close to the ore face, radiation levels can reach as high as 120µSv/hr, or 350 times background level (about one chest X-Ray every hour). Warning signs on the gate alert visitors to the dangers within.
Film stock: Kodak TMax 400 8”x20” film
Camera & lens: HF820 ultra large format field camera/ 210mm f5.6 Schneider Super Symmar XL aspherical lens
Exposure details: Rated ISO 25 @ f64, 3 second exposure.
Filtration: #12 yellow
Processing: Normal development, D76 (1:1)
Printing: Na2 palladium with Nuarc 40-1ks UV exposure system