Uraninite, Eldorado Mine, Port Radium, Northwest Territories, Canada
15”x15” Circular Uranotype from uranium autoradiogram
Unique uranotype
The ore deposits at the Port Radium area occur in a system of vein-filled fractures and shear zones that trends northeast along LaBine Point and crosscuts stratigraphy. Primary vein minerals are hematite, pitchblende, copper-sulphides, cobalt-nickel arsenides, and native silver. Most orebodies are situated in a 5,000 foot long zone extending from the tip of LaBine Point to the northeast arm of Crossfault Lake. The principal ore deposits are the #1 vein and the Bear Bay Shear zone, encompassing a lenticular area 4,200 feet long and 2,000 feet wide. The rocks between them are extensively dislocated by secondary shear and tension zones. The #2 vein was explored over 5,000 feet strike length and 1,800 feet vertical depth. At LaBine Point both veins are in Port Radium strata then cross-cut into biotite-granite, into granodiorite and finally into Cameron River Bay Formation at the north end of the zone. Other vein systems include the #3, #4, #5, #7, #8, and the Silver Island veins. The Silver Island vein is chiefly silver with little or no pitchblende.
This rare, square cut sample of uraninite from this famous mine, is most likely from the #1 vein, with a pattern of uranium ore that is reminiscent of a snowflake. The ore from the Eldorado Mine was some of the richest in the world, with concentrations averaging up to 80% U3O8.
Negative: Exposure: 48 hours / Film: Kodak T-MAX 400 / Processing: Pyro-Metol-Kodalk, Normal development
Interpositive: Ilford Cooltone FB 16x20, Ansco 130 paper developer
Internegative: created using Agfa Repromaster 20x24 camera with Arista Lith film and custom continuous tone hand tray-processing.
Print: Double coating with 24hr maturation, K₃Fe(CN)₆ processing. While this print was made as part of a limited edition series, it is unknown when it may be possible to print any more.