Uranium City Hotel, Uranium City, Saskatchewan, Canada
8”x20” palladium print from original in-camera negative
1/15 Limited Edition available.
The Uranium City Hotel provided accommodation for visitors to the town. Completed in 1954, the Hotel was open for nearly 30 years until shutting down in 1982 when the mines closed. Along with the surrounding town the Hotel was boarded up and as time wore on, slowly degraded as it fell into disrepair and vandalism. The buildings burned down in 1997 and finally in 2002, the foundations were filled. All that remains is this concrete sign.
The Uranium City Hotel nearing completion in 1954
Film stock: Kodak Tri-X 320 8”x20” film (expired 1998)
Camera & lens: HF820 ultra large format field camera/ 210mm f5.6 Schneider Super Symmar XL aspherical lens
Exposure details: Rated ISO 12 @ f64, 12 second exposure.
Filtration: #12 yellow
Processing: Normal development, D76 (1:1)
Printing: Na2 palladium with Nuarc 40-1ks UV exposure system