La Sal #2 Mine, Utah, USA
8”x20” palladium print from original in-camera negative
1/15 Limited Edition available.
The La Sal Mine is part of a complex of mines that are still being worked to this day, owned and operated by Energy Fuels, the largest producer of uranium in the United States. La Sal #2 operated in the 1970’s and supplied ore to the Atlas uranium mill, located in Moab. All that remains of this mine is a concrete support structure backfilled to prevent entry.
Film stock: Kodak TMax 400 8”x20” film
Camera & lens: HF820 ultra large format field camera/ 355mm f9 Schneider G-Claron lens
Exposure details: Rated ISO 200 @ f64, 1 second exposure.
Filtration: #12 yellow
Processing: Normal development, Pyrocat-HD (2:2:100)
Printing: Na2 palladium with Nuarc 40-1ks UV exposure system