Charlie Steen’s Mi Vida, Lisbon Valley Mining District, Utah, USA
8”x20” palladium print from original, in-camera negative
1/15 Limited Edition available.
The Mi Vida Mine is perhaps the most famous uranium discovery in the United States. Taking a left turn onto Steen’s Road from the 191, south of Moab, drive for 10 miles and you will come upon this scene: the abandoned mine. The rusting ore cart remains at the mouth of the adit, like a steel tongue protruding from the valley’s side. Nearby you can see the ore bin; the ore cart would transport the ore from the workings inside the mine to the bin, which would then be taken by truck to Steen’s Uranium Mill in Moab. Small pieces of radioactive uranium ore litter the ground outside the mine.
Film stock: Kodak TMax 400 8”x20” film
Camera & lens: HF820 ultra large format field camera/ 355mm f9 Schneider G-Claron lens
Exposure details: Rated ISO 200 @ f64, 3 second exposure.
Filtration: #12 yellow
Processing: Normal development, Pyrocat-HD (2:2:100)
Printing: Na2 palladium with Nuarc 40-1ks UV exposure system